One Day meetings (2 hour set up time)

Depending on the distance we prefer to arrive the day before to set up our equipment. Upon our arrival we need someone to meet us and to show us where to set up. We would appreciate the area where we will be ministering be clear of pulpit, communion table etc. A full program requires all our equipment and takes about 2 hours to setup. We would need accommodation for 2 people unless we notify otherwise

We Need To Know

-What ages we will be ministering to?

-Roughly how many?

-What type of audience?

ex. Sunday morning congregation.

Will we have to move our equipment during our stay? ex. A basketball game right after. (Break down time is about 45 minutes with people to help carry equipment.)

P.A. Systems

We prefer to use our own sound board and speakers and can plug your system into ours for external speakers.

Projection Systems: We bring our own projector and screen. For large churches with multi screens we will need a plug in for our laptop at the platform.  Because of our equipment takes up most of the platform, screens on back walls used for projectors may be obstructed.

Product Sales:

Needed: 1 Long table (2' by 5') for product sales. Product table is to be set up in foyer or entrance/exit location. This area should be well lit and completely visible to the main flow of people traffic. No merchandise fees will be paid to the venue or to the sponsor.

Extra Meetings and Events

Please inform us a head of time of any other meetings or activities you may be planning for us as we will need to be prepared.

Booking Information

            Children's Meetings

AGE LIMITS Due to the fact that we teach in one large group we prefer children younger than a 4 year old be with a adult relative at all times. Many times younger children become distracted or are distracting to the older children.

ADULT HELP IS NEEDED in premeeting

   We need a mature group of volunteers to help with discipline (See Workers Guide). One adult for every ten children is the minimum needed. Some of these should arrive early (30 minutes or more) to greet and register the children.

    They then gather them someplace other than the sanctuary until it is time to begin. They should also be prepared to entertain the children with an organized activity.

   It is important to encourage the use of the washroom, and to discuss sanctuary dos and don’ts (no gum, no hats, no child holding another on their lap, sing, pay attention, etc.) during this period.


A couple of mature adults preferably females to escort children to the washroom. The adult should escort the child to the washroom and prop the door open and wait and return with the child. If a group of children want to go tell them only one at a time will be permitted. 

Food and Accommodations:

Food: Depending on arrival time we would appreciate a light lunch before set up time. Breakfast the next morning (toast, juice and coffee is fine) and if a lunch meal is not being served after the service and there is only one meeting, we usually pack up and head on. A restaurant invitation is open or money for a quick meal on the road.

Accommodations: We are not opposed to staying in peoples homes. Bed and Breakfast, Motel or hotel.

Back to Children's Ministry page

Evangelism is the work of the Holy Spirit

Jesus said in John 6:63, "It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing". All our talents, personality or promotion will do very little. The work of winning people to Christ is a work that only the Holy Spirit can accomplish, yet He asks us to be the vessels to work through.

We Need You

We are not a "one man show". We have found our work alone is of little effort unless the church body is with us in this effort. We do not have a stunning Hollywood show, but are a couple committed to serving our Savior with the talents and abilities He has blessed us with.

The Pastor is the Key

The most influential voice in the life of the church comes from the pulpit.

The Pastor can, through his weekly sermons motivate and teach his people on how to prepare for these meetings and the importance of reaching people with the Gospel. 


Why advertise?

Raise visibility of your ministry through promotion

Publicity and advertising are essential part of an effective outreach. Yet research has shown that very few will attend because of advertising alone. However, good publicity and advertising will set the stage for your church people to invite their friends and neighbors. Whenever, the people of a church take an active role in reaching out to their neighbors in advance by praying, witnessing and promoting, then the results can be exciting. The more excited people become, the more likely they will want to be involved. Let the church know something exciting is about to happen.

Some Advertising Tips

Posters: You can down load our posters and from our Advertising page.

You may want to try it in black and white first to see if the size is correct.

Keep in mind when putting up posters most stores don’t want too big of posters on their

bulletin boards 81/2 x11 are best, but big ones are great for your own church.

You can have Staples print these for about 50 cents, color is always the best.

Email: Use the email info on the advertising page and send out to your church family.

Attach the poster to the email.

Ask parents to do your advertising. Ask them to forward your special event information onto as many

families as possible. It takes no money and little effort to hit "forward", and dedicated parents

will happily do this. It resembles "word of mouth advertising," which is still viewed as best.

Facebook: Post your event with brief details, copy one of the posters and put it up on your page.

                   Post it at least 2 months with details stating lock your calendar for this coming event.

                   1 month and then each week up to the date. Advertisers say at least 7 times.

Direct Mailing: Your local post office can tell you the exact routes. They need to be bundled in 50-100 lots with elastics. They should be mailed out at least two weeks in advance. People still read mail but probably least effective for your dollar.

Local hometown newspapers: These can be given the news release (click on the Advertising page). This is a free service, papers use for interesting upcoming events. They should have it at least two weeks in advance. They may or may not use it.

Your local Christian bookstore-ask if you can put up posters or leave a stack of small flyers.

Your people: The flyers in the hands of your people are by far the most effective way of advertising.  The Gospel of Mark records an illustration of good publicity of a man Jesus healed of leprosy. The man “went out, and began to publish it much, and to blaze abroad the matter”.


Your entrance way is the key place for decorating. A balloon bouquet of smiling faces makes a fun greeting for kids arriving. Inflate a bunch of quality large round latex balloons or, even better, purchase helium-filled balloons at a party store (generally, they cost about $1 apiece).

Please keep the platform clear for our equipment.

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