Jerry and Bonnie's VBS program is a fast paced contemporary style geared to modern visual children 4-12 years old.


Vacation Bible Schools

The Wallaces' have seen a VBS to be one of the most effective

and popular community outreaches of the year

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Vacation Bible Schools

   Jerry and Bonnie Wallace of Winchester, Ontario of Wallace Ministries have ministered in 100’s of VBS’s since being married in 1979. It has always been their desire to help those who want to reach their communities but feel they are not equipped, are too small or can’t afford an expensive VBS curriculum and that requires a lot of teachers.

   Jerry and Bonnie offer an affordable and exciting alternative to the traditional VBS program. With a minimum of volunteers needed and no expensive kit to buy, the Wallace’s can help even the smallest church host a community event that will bless not only the children, but the entire family.

We present a VBS closing event for parents and community with the children singing the songs they have learned and special entertaining program that presents the Gospel message for all with music and art.

Pastor Jerry as he is known illustrates a Bible story with his airbrush

Bonnie leading in worship with action filled upbeat songs

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               How To Do Vacation Bible School On A Tiny Budget
Some churches budget thousands of dollars for their annual Vacation Bible School program. But many smaller churches struggle to find the resources to support VBS. Here are some ideas for doing your Vacation Bible School without a lot of money.
One of the reasons for lack of money is that it receives such a low profile in the church life. But in fact a successful VBS can expose your church to your community more than all the other church activities.  See

1. Sponsor a Child:

Suggest to your congregation you are looking for sponsors for the VBS at $25.00 a child and are planning for 30 children (an example). 

2. Plan Easy Crafts:

Craft supplies can be a major expense. If you keep the crafts minimal there is a potential to save. Don’t be too cheap, but skip the expensive craft kits that some of the publishers sell. Local Dollar Stores have some easy economical craft ideas. We often suggest crafts that can be done in one day as the children might be there only one day.

3. Ask For Simple Snack Donations:

In most cases, you shouldn’t have to budget for snacks. Ask volunteers or church members to donate paper goods, cookies and other durable snacks. Even juice boxes can be donated by VBS supporters or local businesses. Kids love snacks, and usually are just happy with simple and inexpensive options.

4. Special Offerings To Underwrite The VBS:

Have the church take a special offering for Vacation Bible school. This may be effective in smaller churches that don’t have an annual budget. Pastoral support is essential to make this happen, so be sure your minister understands how important proper funding is for running Bible school.
If the church budget can’t cover the expenses, look for individual donors or business to sponsor your vacation Bible school. A few hundred dollars can make a huge difference to make your Bible school a success. Make sure you thank them publicly (if they don’t mind) and send a thank you card signed by the kids.

5. Budget For Next Year:

If your church doesn’t have a budget for VBS consider suggesting it for the next year. Even in small churches, the people will recognize VBS as the flagship program for children’s outreach. As soon as Bible school is over, draft a budget for the next year and take it to the pastor and finance people. The timing is important because VBS is often just a memory by the Fall when the budget committee crunches their numbers.
 Others have used monies designated for evangelism and home missions to help.

How To Do Vacation Bible School On A Tiny Budget